Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stars, pretty stars

This is so gorgeous, takes awhile to get your brain to register that it's the earth moving, not the sky. Glagh, I need to go on roadtrips to places without light pollution and just stargaze all night. 

Better quality video of the above over here.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Neat Beats, I love you

This is the most beautiful song I have heard in awhile, and the rest of the album is wonderful too.

I bought a vinyl of this album, well three if I'm honest (one was accidental!), and I am waiting eagerly for it to arrive on my doorstep. SO EXCITED.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Owls and stars

I have been buying so many pretty things recently. And it's really not a good thing considering I am meant to be saving up for university fees and what not. Curse you online shopping!

Most recent purchase, one of these. Specifically the one second from the left.

If you fancy owning one of them, you can go to Oh My Clumsy Heart and buy one too! She makes other pretty things besides these, so be sure to browse.

Oh lordy, I just took my own advice and browsed. I have made yet another impulse buy:

It was the only one left too! 

I need to find out how to make my own versions of these, rather than buying and wearing someone else's creativity. However, these were too cute to pass up ;_;

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I love Andrew Bird, I want a tiny Andrew Bird to put on my shoulder and play sweet violin to my ears.

I have all these zines I need to photograph and show off, I promise I'll post them sooon!

Meanwhile, you can look at some of my own art. Yes, good. 


Plus Andrew Bird, becasue he is glorious! I can't believe this song came out two years after I was born and I only heard it a few days ago :'D

Monday, February 20, 2012

Exciting parcel #2

A little zine about two robots who run into misfortune on the way to the grocery shop. If you like the look of this go to the artist's etsy, which you can find here.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dragon eyes!

Yesterday my sister and I found a dragon eye tree, its fruits hanging tantalizingly over a fence. We picked them greedily and then ate them secretly at the back of the bus /as in Australia, buses have a strict no eating/drinking policy/

Exciting parcel #1

A wonderful little story about Ben, who defecates of off a mountain - so cute and just that tiny bit disgusting! If you like the look of this, you can go to the the artist's etsy which can be found here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Leafy people zine?

After all this zine-purchasing (I bought another one last night), I desperately want to make my own, put it on Etsy and see if anyone would want it :3

Pictures would be like the drawings above, i.e. they would all have feathers/leaves running through them.

I was at the bus stop a few days ago, and there was a lost dog notice on it, so I drew a little picture and wrote "Good luck finding your dog!" on it. Today I was at the same bus stop, and the owner of the dog had obviously come by as someone had written "thanks" in pink highlighter underneath it, so that was nice.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today I bought...

  • five zines 
  • a greeting card 
  • a notecard
  • a sparrow pendant. 
All from Etsy, and all of them are spectacular. I'll post pictures of each item as I receive them --now there's something to look forward to!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tiny chickens!

It turns out that my chickens like watermelon as much as I do.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

"wet socks"

Just found out that my boyfriend's family have called me quiet and shy.

I'm going to pretend that makes me intriguing, rather than uninteresting or boring. I was just on some pretentious lady's blog, and she mentioned "liking shy people" in one of those lists that those sort of people like to make in which they assert that, "I like popcorn, dipping my hands in pots of seeds and the smell of wet socks" in an effort to seem loveably eccentric. Anyway, I went on this rant, in which I stipulated that while she might like the idea of a quiet person, she would not go out of her way to try and get to know them. Instead, she would pass them off as uninteresting, and go and hang out with her more outgoing friends.

Anyway, this song :'D

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Totally nang-faced.

I just bought this zine!

I am excited by the prospect of receiving a tiny parcel! (If you like the look of this, you can go to the artist's Etsy which is here.)

 Also, my first party in ever was a success. Here I am, pictured taking a picture rather excitedly.

(photo drunkenly taken by this guy)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Birthday party tonight, egad!

That aside, I kind of want to buy and make this.

If you also want to buy and make this, and can /unlike me/ afford to pay the low price that is being asked for it, go here

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Guys, I'm thinking of having a birthday party. By thinking I mean definitely considering, and by definitely considering I mean I have a "create event" page open on Facebook.

I have never thrown a birthday party for myself, or any party for that matter. Kind of nervous. This song is wonderful.